Wednesday 29 November 2006

Who we are?

Big question and maybe stupid one too, isn’t it? Why is it matter, “who we are?” when we are, here right now?!
But when you think about it, it doesn’t seem that much stupid at all.
consider it: what if you know who you really are, I’m not talking about knowing what regain or ethnic background you came from; what I am asking is you knew all about you, your desirers, your powers, your potentials all the stuffs which is fundamentally about you. Don’t you think if you knew all these things, you would put your life in a right track, you won’t never hate yourself for the things you didn’t do, because you may know that you could not do it after all!
Or may be it is a blessing that we don’t know who we are.
I personally want to know who I am and as much as I know this is one of my only wishes which will never come true, still want to reserve my chances that perhaps one day in this life time I know who I was.
I can dream, can’t I?

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