Friday 21 May 2004

Special or Not Special
Have you ever think that you are somehow special and you will do something which will change the future of all humanity? If yes, I’ll tell you something...
I was one of those people who thought is special. I though I will change the life of a lot of people and will be an important person in the world wide. I had these dream till last night.
What happened last night, I’ll tell you:
I have had a very hard exam, I had time to read but I didn’t and put everything for last moment because I believed I could do it. The thing is I just passed one of my worst nights ever, I even had thought about the way to kill myself too. - Now I understand why people attempt to kill themselves when have failure in their life - anyway I just realize something, how much you thing you are special, it doesn’t matter if you don’t work hard for it, there is no free thing in the world that give it to you and don’t ask anything because you thing you are special.
In conclusion please do not thing you are special because I am sure you are NOT. Actually I am nobody, so like you but if I just work a bit harder I will be a special person, at list I have hope to be but I’m not sure I could make it. So why are we playing this “Special Person” games?
Subsequently never forget, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.

I know its sounds hard to you; believe me I was hard for me to understand too but always said Truths aren’t come up easy.

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