Saturday 11 April 2009

Mysterious Nights

A piece which I have done Long back, I find it in my Archive:


Every night, when darkness spread through the blue sky from the east,
An unknown sense of doubt spread through my heart too.
I keen to question every manner of human life in the darkness of night.
Night make me feel black, what a pretty black too.
Sometimes, I think, I am falling in love with the dark nights.
Then suddenly something reminds me:
It can’t be! How could I fall in love?

Then as always, when I see you in the morning,
The feeling of doubt would fade away.
You fill me with warmth, calm and certainty.

Every now and then I ask myself:
Am I falling love with you?
So what does this feeling means?
What does it called? What am I? And what is happening to me?

1 comment:

~سحر~ said...

"Sometimes, I think, I am falling in love with the dark nights."
I like this part!