Tuesday 27 July 2004

What about this time
Something has happened, I don’t want to believe it but it happened anyways. I am not the best anymore! It is so strange cause in past 20 years it never happened to me.
I never wanted to be the first but second, I was at least second if I wasn’t fist.
Now things have been changed. I am nothing. I waste my time away for doing nothing.
I have to do something. I have to change a lot of things. I am far far behind of what I should be. I have to be quick, very quick.
I know what would happens now, and I will change those things which went wrong. I am going to get back to the game. And this time I’m definitely going to win.

So I’m telling you, who wants to stop me: You may slowed me down for a while but I’m back again, stronger than before. So fear me, because this is fear that keeps you in the safe distance from my wrath.

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