Wednesday 2 June 2004

We always wanted to enjoy what we do or what we have, but do we ever think about why we like to enjoy every thing?
Enjoying is good because it give us feel good, because it let us stand the hardness of our life. In other word, enjoying stop us to become tiered. This is what exactly we don’t want to become, tiered.
People pay a lot of their money to spend a time in good holiday, because they were tiered of the ordinarily life. When we start losing every thing, in fact loosing our concentration people tell us: "Take a vacation.” Why? Because when we enjoy something we prepare to take a life more seriously.

We need to enjoy things we do, and we basically don’t do it in normal life, so we try to make it. However the time after enjoyable moment is sad because we don’t want to leave whose moments. So we have two choices:
1 - Enjoy every thing!
2 – Do not enjoy anything.
First choices will not actually happen in our life, maybe we portend to enjoy every thing but soon we will tire to portend it.
In second choices we don’t enjoy anything, so we get tired but that what it is, we never enjoy anything and still get tired. In other hand we don’t get sad after enjoying too.
Anyway there is the third choice which is the one we take every time.

By the way, why we have to enjoy something or hate it? Why we hate something others enjoy it? Who make us to be like that?

Maybe we should ask him why we are like this and why!!

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