Monday 14 May 2007

From the Father to the Son

He pushed the chair a bit closer to his son. It was about time, time for the talk. He stare at the ground for a couple of second, he was trying to imagine how his son was thinking right now. Maybe he shouldn’t talk to him. Perhaps he was better of with out his advice. Then he remembered how every parent would do in this situation, they don’t talk. He didn’t want to be like other parents. In fact he didn’t want to be like anybody, and he wasn’t.
‘Son’ he began, ‘you may remember that by now everybody told you more friend you have, the better off you going to be. Whoever you chose as a friend will change your life for better of worst.’ His son was nodding along but he could see the confusion in his son’s eyes. ‘Now you rich a certain level that I can let you in a little secret about life. A hidden and ugly secret. I have lived for around forty years and in that time I have done everything for my friends. But what I realized is that even the most liberal of your friends will impose in you life. They try to influence on your life and try to change the course of your life as they please. They won’t give you your free choice when it comes to their interests. I guess what I’m trying to say is that friends are not as great as they given credits.’ He stopped for a while. He thought either he destroyed his son’s life or given him an advantage which will serve him good in his life. ‘I don’t say don’t have friends, but I’ll tell you don’t change your life because of them.’ He continued. ‘The fact is they have to change rather than you.’ Then he looked deep inside his son’s confused eyes. He could sense the conflict inside his son’s mind. Perhaps the confusion was the best he could hope for in the first initiative. He took his son’s right hand with his left hand and told him: ‘your best friend will betray, sell, break your heart and leave you. It will happen sooner or later but the trick is you shouldn’t think it is an odd event. Now that you know it will happen in that time, you may feel pain and sorrow but you won’t be paralyzed. Remember the worse thing about friend betrayal is that they most likely do it because they love you. This thing will put you in a real dilemma, should you forgive them or hate them forever. This is what you have to figure it out by yourselves.’ Then he got up turn his face from his son’s face and left the room.
Then there was a young man, a sad truth and an empty room.