In heaven all the interesting people are missing.
Friedrich Nietzsche
There is a bitter truth in this quotation. I always wondered how heaven would be like. The religions describe heaven as a magical place which everybody enjoying themselves forever and ever until the end of times which is never apparently!
In this life, people enjoy small amount of relief between long agonies. Fun and interesting stuff are precious because most of the time people are bored and suffering. Think about a place filled with all the interesting stuff you could ever imagine, would they still seems interesting if you could play with them forever and ever? The only reason which makes things interesting is that they are rare, nobody else has it or it is too hard to get. In heaven everybody can have anything they want.
Heaven is boring … I don’t understand why people are so eager to get the heaven anyways. Suppose people preferred to be bored than burned in hell. But when you think about it, being bored until the end of time is not much different from burning either. It’s another form of torture So it is hell anyway.
If there is no heaven, there is no hell either.
It is all a lie. People do all the things which they think are good to get to heaven. But when you look closely they are just a fool running toward a mirage.
Damn Fools